I am a big fan of Sam Jordan.

He served as our producer and managed our project with incredible excellence and care. He helped us navigate through major technological changes and feature enhancements. I thoroughly enjoyed working with him and am greatly appreciative of the value he added.

Zach Fay
Founder/CEO Lightgliders



Do you lack the necessary resources, or are you unsure how to manage a technical team?


Do you need a partner to help design and position your product for a modern market?


Do you need an extra pair of experienced hands to assist in the labour-intensive task of managing the launch of a new product?

Product Consultation

This step entails an extensive deep-dive workshop in which we begin designing a lean product development strategy.

Market Testing

Utilising proven partners, we test assumptions found in the workshops and perform market testing to validate the strategy.

Build, Launch, Grow

After wireframes, mock-ups, and prototypes, we resource the build and manage the project through to launch! Then it's all about support and growth.

Next Steps

Here’s how we will proceed:


Engage in an initial consultation meeting, during which we will ideally meet in person with our consultation team and key stakeholders from your team.

This meeting aims to develop a detailed understanding of the objective and challenges ahead. As well as the current risks and opportunities.

This ensures that we're maximising our value by being better prepared, and you will receive a detailed audit of your current product development operation.


Suppose you’re pleased with our approach to product development and want our assistance. We can start resourcing your project, armed with the in-depth brief of the project ahead of us. Once the team is on board, we will schedule the workshop.

Through a deep-dive workshop, we understand who the end-users are, what drives their decision-making processes, desires, emotions, and behaviours, and how competitors approach comparable problems.


You can take the artefacts produced after this stage to an agency or an in-house team to build the product if you desire.

Alternatively, we start to build with our network of resources.

Depending on the scope of our engagement, during the build, we work in parallel on marketing strategies, content creation, reseller partners, and anything else required to launch the product.

Our aim is a successful launch, so we can manage everything required to make it happen!

Support & Grow

We will support your ongoing requirements, from bug fixing, to working directly with IT partners for hosting and networking support.

We will routinely review user feedback and the wider market to make recommendations regarding future iterations, thus ensuring that you're constantly innovating and growing your product.

Can you spare 30 minutes for a free intro meeting?